XMetaL TopLeaf Plugin
JustSystems and Turn-Key Systems are proud to offer the XMetaL TopLeaf Plugin. This product, when used in conjunction with XMetaL Author and TopLeaf Workstation allows users to easily create stylesheets for PDF output in a friendly graphical environment. Working with the DITA Open Toolkit, this solution provides powerful design and output options to users with little or no XSLT / XSL-FO expertise. Images, fonts, running heads, lists, tables, pagination and many other common document elements are easily and quickly configured and the output can be created directly from XMetaL Author.
TopLeaf is an XML rendering system which allows any user to set up complex professional quality jobs using a revolutionary new point and click interface.
For the first time you can create paginated PDF output, HTML for web delivery and RTF for review/proofing, all from a single style specification!
To download the XMetaL TopLeaf Plugin, visit the Turn-Key Systems website.